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Monarch Hub
  • Services




Before working on any project, our team of experts conducts a thorough research. This detailed study is one of the most important steps to help maintain the standards of MONARCH. Our comprehensive research method and collection of data varies based on the type of project. This ensures that the right set of prerequisites are established before executing it.

  • Topographic
  • Planimetric Control
  • Utility Survey
  • City and Cadastral Survey
  • Setting Out
  • Engineering Survey
  • Route Survey
  • Final Location Survey

Socio Economic studies & analysis

Here at MONARCH, we follow Socioeconomic analysis, a well-established method of weighing up the pros and cons of action. It plays a vital role in the restrictions and authorization processes. This method allows all social, environmental, economic, and financial impacts of a project to be measured in a monetary unit.

DPR and Feasibility

Having in-depth knowledge about the investment decision is entirely based on the information contained in the primary report for the investment proposal, i.e. the Detailed Project Report. We support the decision-making process with our DPR and feasibility-related solutions to ensure the best possible outcomes.

  • Road/Rail Alignment
  • Dam
  • Township
  • Bridges
  • Flyover
  • Skywalk
  • Airport

Design & Engineering

From the research phase to the planning phase, MONARCH follows a practice to not only focus on a piecemeal concept, but also look at the project as a whole. Keeping in mind the scale at which the project is worked on, we connect with our internal experts to achieve a higher level of performance and great output. We integrate sustainable solutions in every aspect possible.

  • Road Network
  • Rail Network
  • Water supply Scheme
  • Sewerage Scheme
  • Storm Water
  • Skywalks
  • Bridges

Land Acquisition

MONARCH follows a practice of precisely planning all the crucial steps involved in acquiring land before any agreement to start a project. Our in-house team works in collaboration with the community in charge and looks after the legal mandate procedures to ensure ease of operations.

  • Land Acquisition proposal
  • Revenue record collection
  • Land plans
  • Joint measurement
  • Follow up for possession
  • Disbursement to PAP

Master Planning

Clients all over the nation trust MONARCH's planning and design services. We work closely with our architects and team to create a plan and design that works well with the requirements. By navigating through the entire project's requirements, our next step is to pitch the strategy and design that has to go forward.

  • Spatial Framework
  • Land use plan
  • Geospatial geoportal software
  • Investment approach analysis for investors

Inspections and Assessments

At MONARCH we inspect and assess our projects carefully. Our main objective is to meet customer requirements, wants and needs and help prevent the delivery of defective products.

Project Management Consultancy

MONARCH consultants provide expert project management advice to external businesses. We offer effective management solutions to increase and improve the efficiency and outcome of a project.

Pre-Tender Activities

MONARCH teams up with clients and works closely with them to help figure and identify the needs, plan and the budget for the project. Our experts also guide them to define the requirements and select the type of procedure they should go ahead with.

  • Survey
  • Geotechnical Investigation
  • Detail project Report
  • Detail estimates and bill of Quantities
  • Tender Document and specification
  • Tender Notice
  • Bid Evaluation
  • Negotiation and work order

Post-Tender Activities

Once the tender has been awarded, we collaborate with the client to discuss the negotiation that was carried out between the contractor and them.

  • Supervision
  • Monitoring
  • Scheduling
  • Quality Control
  • Financial Planning
  • Contractors Billing
  • Arbitration
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